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House of Spain
Founded: 1979

House of Spain Cottage


Flamenco Dancers


Dance classes:
Juanita Franco, a member of the House of Spain has a private dance studio where she teaches Flamenco Dancing to the members and also to non-members, children as well as adults are welcome.

Spanish Culture – Flamenco
The flamenco is a Moorish Sephardic influenced dance with Roman and Bizantine origins that for the past 200 years has also reflected the suffering and tragic lyrics of the gypsy people.  Song, dance and guitar are blended into passionate rhythms.   Flamenco can portray themes of love, misfortune, politics, history and humor.

Three components make up the flamenco; cante - the song, baile - the dance and the guitarra - the guitar player.  There are two styles in Flamenco, “Jondo” the serious and deep meaning and “Chico” the happy light and sometimes humorous dance.  The dance has complex patterns of rhythms and sophisticated footwork with the upper body emphasizing grace and posture.

Sister City Society
The House of Spain participates in an organization called  “Sister City Society” with the city Alcala de Henares in Spain.  About 2-3 times a year they gather either at the State University of San Diego or another designated location to read from Cervantes book “ Don Quixote” and to listen to literature experts. These readings are held in the Spanish Language.

December Nights

Delicious Paella

Spanish ship visiting San Diego


Lawn Program:
October 12th is Columbus Day. The House of Spain is hosting their yearly Lawn Program on or around that day. Providing the entertainment that day is a Spanish dance group wearing traditional gowns with beautiful ruffles. They usually perform a repertoire of typical Spanish Flamenco dances.

Food served on the Spanish Lawn Program is a traditional "Paella” with chicken, seasoned rice, vegetables and seafood. The paella is cooked in a huge pan called paellera that are traditionally round, shallow and made of polished steel with two handles. Paellas were traditionally served in Valencia during outings in the countryside. Lemonade is usually served that day.

Food Fairs:
For the Ethnic Food Fair and the December Holidays the menu is the same as it is for the Lawn Program.

Cabrillo Festival:
In commemoration of Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, who explored the West Coast of the United States in 1542 under the Spanish flag, San Diego hosts an annual Cabrillo Festival.  It is the oldest Festival of its kind in San Diego.  It encompasses the week of September 28, the date in history in which Cabrillo arrived in San Diego.  The members and the dancers of the House of Spain participate in the festivities, as well as Mexico and Portugal, to represent the diverse heritage and cultures of California.  This Festival takes place at the Cabrillo National Monument in Point Loma.

Special Events:
In October, the members of the House of Spain host a Dinner Dance, the location and times vary and are planned in advance.  It is usually held in one of San Diego’s hotels.

The members also hold several regional and traditional Spanish festivities to celebrate St. John, Dia de la Hispanidad, and others with paellas and pot-lucks about once a month.

January 6th, is the day of the” Three Wise Men” where the Kings bring small gifts to the children. The members celebrate this children's festival with sandwiches, a roscón (traditional bread), traditional Spanish thick chocolate, and games.

Tres Reyes



Three Kings Celebration
January 6th - children

Dia de Los Peques
Visit the website for more information

Spain - Coat of Arms


King Juan Carlos, Queen Sofia


Running of the Bulls in Pamplona:
From July 7 to 14 each year, thousands of people crowd into Pamplona, Navarra to participate in Spain’s most famous bull-running celebration to honor the capital’s patron saint “San Fermin”.

In Spain more than 3000 fiestas are staged every year, but the Running of the Bulls Fiesta is one of the most popular in terms of excitement and spectacle.

The Tomatina Festival:
This is the biggest food fight in the world, and it is all just for the fun of it.  When the tomatoes are ripe, on the last Wednesday in August, 30,000 people go to the town of Bunol in the Valencia region of Spain to throw 240,000 pounds of tomatoes at each other.  (I am wondering who cleans up this juicy red mess).

This tradition began in 1945 when a fight erupted at a carnival crowd and they started to throw tomatoes at each other.  This became so much fun that it is a yearly event now.

Spanish heritage in San Diego
San Diego is home to approximately 2000 Spanish-Americans, and about 200 families are members of the House of Spain.

large product photo   COUNTRY INFORMATION

Land Area: 504,782 sq km                                
Population:  40,448,191 (July 2007 est.)
Capital City: Madrid                                        
Language:  Castilian Spanish (official) 74%, Catalan 17%, Galician 7%, Basque 2%, are official regionally
Religion:  Roman Catholic 94%, other 6%
Form of Government: parliamentary monarchy
Economy: GDP (PPP) 2010 estimate
- Total $1.364 trillion
- Per capita $29,651
Internet TLD .es
Calling code 34


Source: The World Factbook - Spain





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Lawn Program

Visit House of Spain
website for details.

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