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House of England
Founded: 1935
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House of England cottage


The House of England cottage is open often. See the House of Pacific Relations HOME page for days and hours. Learn about the history and traditions of England.


House of England

Tudor Inn | House of England


Lawn Program:
The members of the House of England hold their annual lawn program on Sunday in April, close to St. George’s Day which is the last Sunday in April.  In England this is the ” St. George Day”.

The entertainment is done by musicians and dancers from various organisations within San Diego that provide performances that reflect the culture and traditions from England.

Foods for this event are traditional foods and drinks from the culture past and present of England.

The Ethnic Food Fair and the December Holidays will feature similar menus and additional drinks and baked goods in the Cottage and the Spirit Garden.

large product photo   CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS

House of England partners with local schools and “Chivalry Today” to present details of interest about England, past and present.

Contact Elaine at 619-851-3140 if you would like a presentation at the cottage or school event.

England - Coat of Arms

Union Jack

William Shakespeare


The Flag of the Union Jack, what does it mean?
The Union Jack is combination (union) of the flags of St. George, St. Andrew and St. Patrick. The flag of St. George is white with a red cross.  The flag of St. Andrew is blue with a white diagonal cross and the flag of St. Patrick is white with a red diagonal cross.

In 1603 King James VI of Scotland became King James I of England and united England and Scotland under a new flag.  It combined the Cross of St. Andrew with the Cross of St.George, which the Navy referred to as the Union Jack.  King George III updated the design when he added the Cross of St. Patrick.

Picture source: Wikipedia

Famous Landmarks in London:
Buckingham Palace, a three hundred years old castle, which is the residence and the official place from which the Queen conducts her business.

St. Paul’s Cathedral, it is a magnificent structure with a huge dome that dominates the skyline of London.  It was built between in 1675 – 1708, after the big fire of London in 1666 destroyed the previous cathedral.

Big Ben, is a clock tower in Parliament Square.  Its thirteen-ton main bell strikes every hour and can be heard for miles over London.  At night the clock is illuminated and creates a striking view.

Westminster Abbey, is a classic Gothic structure which dates back to the 11th century.  It has been the scene of royal coronations, marriages and burials for the British Royalty.

Famous People of England:
When we speak of famous people of England, the name” William Shakespeare” comes to mind when we look at cultural history.  He lived from 1564 to 1616, and takes the rank of the greatest writer the English language has ever known.  Tragedies, comedies, poems and sonnets, Shakespeare’s talent encompassed all.   He had a unique talent of describing the profound aspect of human nature.

House of England   FUTURE PLANS

We are always in need of new members. Everything we do is English but you don't have to be English or of English descent to join. If you are interested in the culture and history of England, The House of England is a great organization to join. We need people enthusiastic about getting involved such as hosting our cottage and participating in our events and programs.

For more information, contact us at 619-851-3140.


Land Area: 129,720 sq km
Population:  63,395,574
Capital City: London
Language:  English (official). Perhaps England's greatest cultural export has been the English language, the current lingua franca of the international community. There are astonishing regional variations in accents, and it is not unusual to find those in southern England claiming to need an interpreter to communicate with anyone living north of Oxford.
Religion:  Church of England, Catholic, Methodist, Muslim, Jewish, Sikh and Hindu.
Form of Government (UK): constitutional monarchy
Currency: pound sterling (£)
Country Dialing Code: 44
Economy (UK): The UK, a leading trading power and financial center, is one of the quintet of trillion dollar economies of Western Europe. Over the past two decades, the government has greatly reduced public ownership and contained the growth of social welfare programs. Agriculture is intensive, highly mechanized, and efficient by European standards, producing about 60% of food needs with less than 2% of the labor force. The UK has large coal, natural gas, and oil reserves; primary energy production accounts for 10% of GDP, one of the highest shares of any industrial nation. Services, particularly banking, insurance, and business services, account by far for the largest proportion of GDP while industry continues to decline in importance.
Export (UK): manufactured goods, fuels, chemicals; food, beverages, tobacco


Source: Lonely Planet - England ;
The World Factbook - United Kingdom




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  Last Updated on 7-5-2024
  ©Copyright 2007-24, House of Pacific Relations International Cottages, Inc. All rights reserved.