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International Cottages, Inc.
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House of Somalia
Founded: 2024





The House of Somalia is the newest members of the House of Pacific Relations International Cottages here in Balboa Park.

Hall of Nations Sunday Hosting:
Several times a year the House of Somalia will host the Hall of Nations from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm on a Sunday. We will present a video program about Lebanon and its beauty.






Yearly Events
Annuanl Lawn Program
May International Food Fair
December International Christmas Festival / December Nights


large product photo   COUNTRY INFORMATION

Land Area: 637,657 sq km                              
Population:  13,017,273 (2024 est.)
Capital City: Dublin                                        
Language:  Somali (official), Arabic (official), Italian, English
Religion:  Muslim 99.9% (Sunni Muslim 98.1%, Shia Muslim 1.2%, Islamic schismatic 0.6%), ethnic religionist 0.1% (2020 est.)
Form of Government: federal parliamentary republic
Export: gold, sheep and goats, cattle, gum resins, shellfish


Source: The World Factbook - Somalia






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