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House of Pacific Relations
International Cottages, Inc.
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House of Somalia
Founded: 2024





The House of Somalia is our first African house at the House of Pacific Relations International Cottages here in Balboa Park.

Hall of Nations Sunday Hosting:
Several times a year the House of Pakistan will host the Hall of Nations from 11 a.m. to 4:00 pm or from 12 - 5 p.m. on a Sunday. Check the Hall of Nations Hosting Calendar to find out when the House of Somalia will be hosting.






Yearly Events
Annuanl Lawn Program
May International Food Fair
December International Christmas Festival / December Nights


large product photo   COUNTRY INFORMATION

Land Area: 637,657 sq km                              
Population:  13,017,273 (2024 est.)
Capital City: Dublin                                        
Language:  Somali (official), Arabic (official), Italian, English
Religion:  Muslim 99.9% (Sunni Muslim 98.1%, Shia Muslim 1.2%, Islamic schismatic 0.6%), ethnic religionist 0.1% (2020 est.)
Form of Government: federal parliamentary republic
Export: gold, sheep and goats, cattle, gum resins, shellfish


Source: The World Factbook - Somalia






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