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House of Pacific Relations
International Cottages, Inc.
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HPR Queens Organization
Founded: 1959

2018 Coronation details will be available later in the year.

HPR Queens Organization


The Queens Organization of the HPR houses is an educational and cultural service organization for young members.

To promote a close relationship with the young people and adult members of all the ethnic groups represented in the House of Pacific Relations.

To foster the spirit of understanding, tolerance and goodwill between all races and nationalities, trying  to understand each one’s culture, customs, background, tradition and history.

To present to the public the music and dances of the various ethnic groups represented in the HPR

To be “Goodwill Ambassadors” of the HPR.

To represent the cottages in a positive way.

To educate its members in parliamentary procedures, democratic processes and good public relations.  They are preparing them to become responsible members of their respective houses.


Each year, the member Houses of the HPR elect Queens and Princesses to reign from October 1st to September 30 the following year.  Members must be between the ages of 10-21 years and must be members of their Houses either as individuals or through family membership.  The age of a junior Princess is 10-13 years, a Princess is 13 to 16 years old, and a Queen can be from 16 to 21 years old or even older. They are encouraged to remain active in their Houses throughout the year and are required to participate in all Queen’s activities.

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2002 Friendship Festival, El Cajon

Dance Classes
Every 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month during the summer they have a dance class from 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm in the Hall of Nations.

Lawn Program
Every year on the first Sunday in April the Queens are having the Lawn Program on the stage in the lawn area.   They perform dances in their colorful costumes with the help from the cottages.

The Scottish Pipe Band performs for them and adds variety to the program.

The food served for that occasion is hot dogs, nachos and a variety of pastries.

December Nights
Food served on the December Holidays is Potato soup and a variety of pastries.

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2003-2004 Queens Organization


During the year the Queens reign, there are three Dinner Dances organized for them, with participation of all the HPR Houses.  One ball is the Coronation Ball, where the Queens wear their festive gowns and the tiaras. 

HPR Queens Coronation
Exact date to be announced. Will be on a Saturday in November.


Queens Org

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Previous Org: HPR Auxiliary

Next Org: SDHS


Queens will be hosting in their Houses on - Sunday, March 1, 2020

HPR Queens Coronation - November


  ©Copyright 2007-22, House of Pacific Relations International Cottages, Inc. All rights reserved.