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International Cottages, Inc.
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HPR Auxiliary

Ladies Auxiliary Election


This organization is comprised of members of all the HPR Houses for the purpose to hold a luncheon every month.  These luncheons are designed to give each nationality a chance to share their ethnic diversity in the food they serve and the entertainment they offer at these monthly luncheons.

Each year they elect a President and a board by majority vote, the same way it is done by all the HPR Houses.


Ladies Auxiliary Luncheon - Hosted by House of Peru   TIME AND PLACE OF THE LUNCHEON

Every second Wednesday of each month one of the HPR Houses is designated as a host. It is always held in the Hall of Nations at 12:00 noon, and the cost is always $10.00 except for the Christmas meal.

2024 Schedule:

January 10, 2024
English Tea Party

May 8, 2024
September 11, 2024

February 14, 2024
June 12, 2024
October 9, 2024

March 13, 2024
July 10, 2024

November 13, 2024

April 10, 2024

August 14, 2024

December 11, 2024
International Holiday Party

HPR Auxiliary Luncheon - Hosted by House of Germany   ENTERTAINMENT AND FOOD

The entertainment is very much in line with the country that is the host for that month.

It can be a musical variety, or a speaker who talks about their country on a subject of common interest, or a video which shows the beauty and customs of their homeland.

The food is typically of the ethnic variety of the hosts.  It is prepared in the kitchen of the Hall of Nations.  In the month of December it is a catered Luncheon.

More photos:

HPR Auxiliary Luncheon - Hosted by House of USA  HPR Auxiliary Luncheon - Tea Party

HPR Auxiliary Luncheon - Hosted by House of Panama  HPR Auxiliary Luncheon - Tea Party

HPR Auxiliary Luncheon - Tea Party 



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