Web Sites in or About Irish Gaelic


Learning Irish in San Diego:

  1. http://www.hofshi.net - Shanti Hofshi’s Home Page (Links to past Irish lessons)
  2. http://www.houseofireland.org - The House of Ireland Web Site


Sites for learning Irish

  1. http://speakirishnow.com – Video lessons made by one of our former Irish teachers.
  2. http://www.erinsweb.com – Lots of lessons.
  3. http://irishnorthernaid.com/lang.html - Lots of Lessons.
  4. https://snas.ie/en/lesson-categories/snastv/ - SnasTV - Lessons based on video clips of TG4 news reports.
  5. http://www.daltai.com/grammar.htm - Grammar and Other Resources
  6. http://www.travlang.com/languages - Vocabulary with Audio Clips & Lots of Annoying Popups
  7. http://www.gaeilge.org/PII-ak.html - 'Progress in Irish' Answers
  8. http://www.duolingo.com - Many languages, including Irish
  9. http://beo.ie/Search.aspx?SearchText=Liam+agus+Bairbre&SearchMode=keywords
    Liam agus Bairbre - Lessons for beginners from the online publication Beo.


Dictionaries and Vocabulary

  1. http://www.focal.ie - On-line Irish/English and English/Irish Dictionary
  2. http://www.verbix.com/languages/irish.shtml - Irish Verb Conjugator
  3. http://www.breis.focloir.ie/en/fgb/ - Searchable O'Dónall's and De Bhaldraithe's Dictionaries.
  4. https://www.wiktionary.org/ - Many languages, including Irish. Provides pronunciation and etymology info.
  5. https://forvo.com - Forvo - listen to actual speakers in Irish and other languages
  6. https://www.teanglann.ie - Several searchable Irish dictionaries, including one with audio


Sites where you can hear spoken Irish

  1. http://www.rte.ie/rnag - Raidió na Gaeltachta daily programs and live feed.
  2. http://www.tg4.tv - TG4 Irish Television Station.
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/northernireland/blas - BBC in Irish
  4. http://www.raidiofailte.com/ - Raidió Fáilte
  5. http://www.smo.uhi.ac.uk/~oduibhin/sf - A Book of Stories from Donegal Read in Irish

Sites where you can order books in or on Irish:

  1. https://www.litriocht.com - “Every Irish Book in Print”
  2. https://www.siopagaeilge.ie/ - “An Siopa Gaeilge”
  3. https://www.cic.ie/ - "Cló Iar-Chonnacht" (Irish publisher)
  4. https://www.futafata.ie/ - "Futa Fata" (Irish children's books)
  5. https://www.siopaleabhar.com - "An Siopa Leabhar"


Sites you might find interesting

  1. http://www.smo.uhi.ac.uk/gaeilge/gaeilge.html - Links to Many Other Irish Language Sites
  2. http://www.daltai.com/games.htm - Irish Word Games
  3. http://folkplanet.com/seanchlo/barun/bvm-priomh.html - Baron v. Munchausen
  4. http://adminstaff.vassar.edu/sttaylor/Cooley - The Táin Bó Cúalnge (Cattle-Raid of Cooley)
  5. http://www.ucc.ie/celt - On-Line List of Celtic Texts
  6. http://www.beo.ie - Monthly Magazine in Irish with Beginner Lessons
  7. http://www.ireland-information.com/freecelticfonts.htm - Celtic Computer Fonts
  8. http://www.namenerds.com/irish - Irish Names or Equivalents
  9. http://www.irishgaelictranslator.com - Gaelic Translations & Lessons
  10. http://www.irishpage.com - Lots of Fun Stuff and Links
  11. http://www.irishpage.com/songs/fly-song.htm - Songs in Irish (music and English translations)

Irish language apps

  1. https://apps.apple.com/ie/app/get-the-focal-free-irish-translator/id360140414 - Get the Focal Irish Dictionary (can click to hear words) - (iPhone)
  2. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobisystems.msdict.embedded.wireless.collins.pocket.irish&hl=en - Collins Irish Dictionary (Android)
  3. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/collins-irish-pocket-dictionary/id330122540?mt=8 - Collins Irish Dictionary (iPhone)
  4. https://www.cula4.com/en/make/cula4-apps/- Cúla Caint 1 - 3 for Android and iPhone
  5. https://www.duolingo.com/ - DuoLingo Language Study for Android and iPhone
  6. http://www.memrise.com/app/ - Memrise Language Study for Android and iPhone
  7. https://www.teanglann.ie - Several searchable Irish dictionaries, including one with audio